Depth 10-25m+ Level Novice/Advanced. This is a great dive that everybody can enjoy plenty of marine life with a cave at 18mts, we anchor the boat on top of the reef in about 7mts.
We start the dive by descending the anchor line to the reef following a gully down to a sandy area we follow the reef on our left around to the cave, the cave has a large entrance as we enter the cave we turn on our torches and have a good look around. There are plenty of cataluffa and Trumpet fish swimming around as we go through the cave there is a small cave on our right
where we quite often see sleeping Atlantic Rays and some times a Globe fish resting at the back of the cave. When we exit the cave system we follow the reef on our left. During the winter months (Oct-Mar) it is possible to come across the odd Angel Shark resting in the sand, we finish our dive by making our way back to the anchor line on the top of the reef in about 6mts.