Depth 10-30m+ Level Novice/Advanced. The seabed here is covered with spectacular basaltic rock formations where lava has produced three large arch shaped formations. Two memorials, one to Jacques Cousteau and another..
to a local diver will be seen as we make our way through and around the arches. We will see black moray, brown moray, trumpet fish and if the time of year is right, the occasional angel shark.

Depth 10-40m+ Level Experienced. This is one of my favorite dive sites a cave and a wreck in one dive. Although it is only some 350M offshore this is a boat dive only. Dropping in at 25M+ we head out to sea to the reef edge at 30M.
Look down and you we see we above a little underwater cove with a sandy bottom at 40M. Drop over the edge of the reef and down the reef wall the entrance to the cave faces the shore. The wall and the cave entrance is covered in Black Coral and home to Grouper and Morays. Frequently in the cave you will see sleeping Stingrays along with Shrimp and large Anenomes . Leaving the cave there are Black Coral covered overhangs at about 45M. Head back in to shore and a short swim takes us to the wreck of the Condesito at 15M for safety/decompression stops.